It was announced on December 2, 2007, and on Jthe 64th anniversary of D-Day, Treyarch announced it would be named as 'World at War' and it would take place in. The engine of the title Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is IW5' as displayed by its application file registry despite the fact it is a modified version of the IW 4.0 engine.
TechniqueSorting=Curves,MatsoDOF,FXAA,HDR,Technicolor2,Vibrance,WatchDogTonemap,Border,CA,KNearestNeighbors,NonLocalMeans,DisplayDepth,RingDOF,MagicDOF,GP65CJ042DOF,MartyMcFlyDOF,FilmGrain,FilmGrain2,FilmicPass,Mode1,Mode2,Mode3,HighPassSharp,Levels,LiftGammaGain,LumaSharpen,MagicBloom,MXAO,Tint,SMAA,Technicolor,Tonemap,SphericalTonemap,ReinhardLinear,SkyrimTonemap1,FilmicCurve,SkyrimTonemap3,SkyrimTonemap4,SkyrimTonemap5,SkyrimTonemap6,SkyrimTonemap2įAnamFlareColor=0.012000,0.313000,0.588000ĬolorMatrix_Red=0.817000,0.183000,0.000000ĬolorMatrix_Green=0.333000,0.667000,0.000000ĬolorMatrix_Blue=0.000000,0.125000,0. Call of Duty: World at War, is a first-person shooter game produced by Treyarch, and is the first game in the 'Black Ops' timeline.It was released on Novemin North America and on Novemin Europe. Modified versions of the engine were used by Treyarch in their Call of Duty games (after Call of Duty 4) and Quantum of Solace. Techniques=Curves,FXAA,HDR,FilmicPass,Tint,SMAA